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New Resident Information

New residents receive a yellow folder of pertinent information about the neighborhood, which is repeated below.


A Letter from Our President

The Homeowners’ Association Board and the entire Balcones Village/Spicewood neighborhood welcome you to your new home! 


Even though I am not new to the neighborhood, I’m still impressed by the well-kept homes, mature trees, and the family-oriented community. Maintaining this unique quality does not happen by itself. The BV/S HOA works diligently to keep the community safe, attractive, and active. There are over twenty-three different sets of deed restrictions that apply to the homes in our neighborhood, so you may want to familiarize yourself with the one that pertains to your property. Deed restrictions apply to every property whether a homeowner is a member of the HOA, or not. Information from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is found on the main page in the How Do I section, or click the tab in the Menu above.


As you review the various benefits that accompany membership in the BV/S HOA, which are described in this packet, I hope you chose to become part of our community and help us keep the neighborhood the special place that it is. Use the Join Now button in the menu above for more information.


Many of your neighbors are members of the Balcones Country Club and not just because it’s close by. BCC offers golf, tennis, swimming, and numerous social activities. I urge you to inquire about the various levels of membership that are available.


Anytime you have questions, please feel free to contact an HOA board member through the website, using the Contact Us tab at the top of the page. We are glad you are part of the neighborhood. We hope you have many happy years in your new home. 

Caleb McLain


2024 HOA Board Members

Caleb McLain - President                                        Term expires 12-25 

Vivian Featherston - Secretary                                Term expires 12-25 

Suzie LaPlant  - Membership Chair                          Term expires 12-25 

Jacque Forrest - Treasurer                                       Term expires 12-25 

Linda Strickland - Communications Chair                Term expires 12-24 



HOA Sponsored Activities

  • Fourth of July Bike & Golf Cart ParadeFun for the whole family on the morning of the Fourth. Decorate your bikes, golf carts, selves and join the parade! 

  • Constable Patrols – The HOA funds patrols by Travis County Constables throughout the year to reduce speeding, especially during school start and end times and rush hours. The patrols take place on random days, so you never know when or where they might be. 

  • Christmas Trees – The HOA arranges for Christmas trees to be delivered for residents to purchase. Trees are pre-ordered in November and volunteers deliver the trees right to your front yard on the first Saturday of December. (Deliveries are made only within the HOA boundaries.) 

  • Holiday Lights and Awards - A fun Austin tradition! People come from all over town to see our lights. Three winners are chosen from each neighborhood and receive a cash award and a sign to display during the holiday season. Only current BV/S HOA members are eligible to win.

  • National Night Out - Neighbors get together for pot-luck dinners and good conversation. 

  • Block Parties – The HOA does not supervise Block Parties; however, they will reimburse the hosts up to $50 twice a year for each block group. The City of Austin notes on block parties include being open to all residents on a street or section of street and do not include vendor or alcohol sales.

  • BV/S HOA Monthly Meetings – Meetings are open to all BV/S residents. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 5 PM at Balcones Country Club. If you wish to attend, contact us at

  • Annual Meeting – The annual meeting, which is held in November at the BCC, gives members the opportunity to talk with Board members face-to-face, receive the BV/S HOA annual fiscal report, discuss neighborhood issues, elect new Board members, and vote on other issues. The annual meeting is open to all residents, but only HOA members may vote. 

  • Architectural Control Committee – The volunteer committee assists BV/S homeowners comply with the deed restrictions that govern their properties by reviewing proposed property improvements, offering guidance on how to comply, and resolving violations. 


BV/S Christmas Tree Displays - A Neighborhood Tradition

BV/S is famous for its Christmas tree displays and Holiday Lights. Since the early 80s our neighborhood, with its decorated trees lining the streets, has been delighting all who travel through. It’s a tradition you definitely want to be a part of this year! Each November trees are available for purchase to members and non-members alike and hand-delivered to your address in December! Order forms for the trees are available in the Fall newsletter and on the BV/S HOA Website. Keep an eye out! 


The first Saturday in December is quite an event for BV/S. Tree elves arrive bright and early at the BCC Clubhouse to grab some hot chocolate, coffee, and breakfast tacos before loading up the trees and heading out. Maps in hand, trees are hand-delivered to homes and the neighborhood comes alive with decorating. Listen for the trailers rolling through the neighborhood dropping off trees and the elves yelling “Merry Christmas!” So grab a couple of strands of big old fashioned lights and be a kid again. There’s nothing like decorating a tree to get in the spirit. Watch our community glow with excitement! 


A 4” long PVC pipe about 6-8” in diameter makes a good holder for your tree. Many homes already have the original PVC pipes buried in their front yards ready for tree placement. 


How to Order a Tree? Look for the tree order form this Fall in the BV/S HOA newsletter or, as it gets closer to Christmas, you can order a tree on the website.


Holiday Lights

Each season, families decorate their homes and trees in celebrations of the holiday season. People from around the city make a special trip to our neighborhood to drive the streets and enjoy the beautiful lights. 


The HOA sponsors a contest for best decorations in each subdivision. Judging is done by neighbors and many families make it a group project. The HOA provides guidelines and suggestions for the judges. Three winners are chosen from each neighborhood and receive a cash award and a sign declaring them to be one of the winners to display during the holiday season. Only current BV/S HOA members are eligible to win. 


Neighborhood Social Networks

BV/S Neighborhood Email Group  

The neighborhood email group began in 2012 and is an integral part of neighborhood communications. It is a great source for finding dependable businesses and contractors, asking for advice, selling what no longer is needed, finding lost pets, and other discussions. The email group can go days without messages. However, when there is something going on such as the 2023 ice storm, there can be many posts, sharing important information. 


The list of email group users is updated annually per paid membership and as new requests are received. Check the HOA website for guidelines and tips for using the email group. You must be a paid member of the HOA and request to join the Email Group. So, join the HOA today and email a request to BVSneighbors+subscribe@groups.IO


BV/S Neighbor Facebook Group 

This closed FB group is for residents of the Balcones Village and Spicewood subdivisions. Members may lease or own their homes and do not have to be a member of the HOA. So, if you live in this area, then you are welcomed to join the group. Guidance for posting is the same as that of the BVS Neighbors Email Group. Basically, avoid politics and so on. Click the link to go to the FB Group and join in today.


Balcones Moms Club 

This group is for the mothers in the neighborhood and a great way to get involved. It was organized with the goal of building a community among the moms in the neighborhood and is a convenient way to meet other people who have similar interests and concerns. The club has fun activities for the mothers and children alike. In past years it has offered family holiday parties, play groups for the children, a Mom’s Night Out, book clubs, running clubs, and more. 


The Balcones Moms Club is not sponsored by the HOA and is open to all residents in the area. To sign up, send an email requesting an invitation to join the group, wait for your confirmation, and join in the fun!


BV/S HOA News and Neighborhood Updates 

Monthly Newsletters 

The HOA emails monthly newsletters regarding meetings, announcements, and general information. These updates are one-way communications open sent to all neighborhood residents regardless of HOA membership status. All members of the HOA who include an email address(s) on the Membership Form will be added to the BV/S HOA News group. You may opt out if desired. 


Spring and Fall Newsletters 

These newsletter are mailed to each home in the subdivisions and include important information for residents. The fall edition includes forms for the HOA Board election, as well as ordering Christmas trees and paying dues.


HOA Website  

The website includes both current events, as well information about the different groups, events, trees and wildlife. Specific information on the deed restrictions for each property and how to go about getting approvals for remodeling and new construction also is included.


Helpful Information - Utilities and More


Neighborhood electrical service is through Pedernales Electric Cooperative. Main number - 800-554-4723 and Emergencies & interruptions - 888-883-3379. Payment, other services, and information (including outage map) are on the website.


Water and Wastewater 

Water and wastewater service is through the City of Austin. The website includes special information, such as drought conditions and watering days. Details about water and wastewater charges are on the City’s website.


The monthly utility bill from the City of Austin includes several charges. One is for potable water that is measured at the meter as water entering your property. The second charge is for wastewater, which is calculated, as there are no meters for water leaving your property and entering the sewer system. 


To best estimate the amount of water that flows into the sewer system, the city looks at potable water usage during the winter months (mid-November through mid-February) because it is less likely to include water for lawns and pools, which does not enter the sewer system. The metered water amount for these three months is averaged, and it becomes the basis for the wastewater charge. So, it helps our pocketbooks to keep potable water usage low in these three months. For example, stop watering yards and let the rain fill your pool. Obviously, the weather (cold or lack of rain) will affect what needs to be done, but every little bit helps to lower this cost. 


Solid Waste Collection, Recycling, Bulk Pick-up, Large Branch and Brush Pick-up 

The City of Austin offers weekly pick up of trash and composing and every other week for recycling. Twice a year, there are special pick ups for bulk items and large brush and branches. The city site has a calendar showing what is available. There are rules and guidelines for each service.


Natural Gas Service (where available)


The City of Austin 

Llisting of helpful numbers for city services and departments.


Alarm Permits

The City of Austin requires an alarm permit for each residence or business that operates an alarm system in the City Limits of the City of Austin.


Austin City Council 

District 6 representative is Mackenzie Kelly and email is


Travis Central Appraisal District – Assessments and Taxes
8314 Cross Park Drive Austin, TX 78754 Phone 512-834-9317 Fax 512-835-5371 Monday - Friday 7:45 am - 4:45 pm


Round Rock ISD – Schools and Taxes
1311 Round Rock Ave. Round Rock, TX 78681


Williamson County Appraisal District Assessments and Taxes 
904 S. Main Street Georgetown, TX 78626 512-943-1100


Oak Wilt Prevention — Don’t Trim February through June

Oak wilt has threatened trees in our neighborhood — and all of Austin — for many years. In the Austin area alone, oak wilt has killed over 10,000 trees. It is a devastating disease that affects the beauty of our neighborhood, and it can negatively impact our property values. We must be good stewards of the land and follow the guidance of experts on the best ways and times to prune our oak trees. You should prune your oak trees ONLY during the hottest summer months (when there is minimal spore production) and coldest winter months when the beetles are less active. For general questions concerning oak wilt, including a list of certified private arborists, please refer to the Texas Oak Wilt website


Cautionary Note About Coyotes

Periodic coyote sightings continue in our area. Coyotes are a real threat to small animals: many cats have been victims of these predators. If you have pets, please be aware of this threat at all times. Coyotes tend to travel in pairs, are quite intelligent and will eat most anything. While predominantly a nocturnal creature, it is not that unusual for coyotes to hunt during the day, especially in the spring while feeding their young. Also, though the coyotes are more common, they are not the only predator roaming the area. 


City of Austin Information - Call 311

Austin 3-1-1 is the city’s non-emergency “Help Line”. It provides the citizens of Austin with a simple single point of contact for every City department. Dialing 3-1-1 gets you to the City operators who are available to residents’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to answer your questions or concerns or connect you with a person who can. 3-1-1 provides uncomplicated access to all city services and information - everything from traffic light outages and potholes, trash pick-up, issues with power or water, and complaints about code violations, etc.


Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

Purpose of the ACC 

The ACC works with the homeowners to help make sure their home maintenance and remodel projects comply with the Deed Restrictions which define the standards for the community. Continued compliance with the Deed Restrictions is essential to maintaining BV/S as the attractive, desirable neighborhood it is today and for generations in the future. 


Deed Restrictions 

Each of the 24 sections in the Balcones Village and Spicewood subdivisions have similar, but specific restrictions, which apply to every homeowner, regardless of membership in the HOA. You should have been given a copy of your deed restrictions when you closed on the purchase of your property. Compliance with the deed restrictions is mandatory, and they supersede the City of Austin code requirements when the deed restrictions are more restrictive - in particular, the minimum setbacks. For more information on Deed Restrictions and how to submit building plans, go to the Architectural Control link in the menu above,


City of Austin Codes and Ordinances 

Property owners must also comply with the City of Austin rules for residential neighborhoods. These standards complement our deed restrictions by regulating many other factors that impact the appearance of the neighborhood not included in the deed restrictions. 


The City of Austin has the authority to enforce compliance with the city ordinances with ticketing and fines. The HOA only is involved with deed restrictions. Complaints concerning city code violations should be made by calling 3-1-1 or submitting the complaint online on the City Website.


Frequent city code complaints/violations include: 

  • Street parking of any vehicle longer than 72 hours 

  • Recreational Vehicles (Boats, campers, motorcycles, etc.) on driveway  

    • Must be behind a 6’ solid fence

    • Note: Motorhomes are not allowed to be stored on property by the BV/S deed restrictions. 

  • Commercial trucks and trailers stored on driveway 

  • Storage of Inoperable Vehicles 

Also prohibited: 

  • Fences over 6 feet high on perimeter unless meet certain criteria 

  • Grass and weeds over 12” 

  • Junk and accumulated rubbish; illegal dumping 

  • Trash cans and leaf bags left at curb for extended periods of time. 

  • Short-term rentals without a City of Austin license. 

  • Running a business from home 

  • Number of people living in a residence 

  • Operating a short-term rental without permit 

  • Barking Dogs 

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